Media Requests
California Rule of Court § 1.150 (e)
Media Coverage
Media coverage may be permitted only on written order of the judge as provided in this subdivision. The judge in his or her discretion may permit, refuse, limit, or terminate media coverage. This rule does not otherwise limit or restrict the right of the media to cover and report court proceedings.
(1) Request for order
The media may request an order on Media Request to Photograph, Record, or Broadcast (form MC-500). The form must be filed at least five court days before the portion of the proceeding to be covered unless good cause is shown. A completed, proposed order on Order on Media Request to Permit Coverage (form MC-510) must be filed with the request. The judge assigned to the proceeding must rule on the request. If no judge has been assigned, the request will be submitted to the judge supervising the calendar department, and thereafter be ruled on by the judge assigned to the proceeding. The clerk must promptly notify the parties that a request has been filed.
(2) Hearing on request
The judge may hold a hearing on the request or may rule on the request without a hearing.
(3) Factors to be considered by the judge
In ruling on the request, the judge is to consider the following factors:
(A) The importance of maintaining public trust and confidence in the judicial system;
(B) The importance of promoting public access to the judicial system;
(C) The parties' support of or opposition to the request;
(D) The nature of the case;
(E) The privacy rights of all participants in the proceeding, including witnesses, jurors, and victims;
(F) The effect on any minor who is a party, prospective witness, victim, or other participant in the proceeding;
(G) The effect on the parties' ability to select a fair and unbiased jury;
(H) The effect on any ongoing law enforcement activity in the case;
(I) The effect on any unresolved identification issues;
(J) The effect on any subsequent proceedings in the case;
(K) The effect of coverage on the willingness of witnesses to cooperate, including the risk that coverage will engender threats to the health or safety of any witness;
(L) The effect on excluded witnesses who would have access to the televised testimony of prior witnesses;
(M) The scope of the coverage and whether partial coverage might unfairly influence or distract the jury;
(N) The difficulty of jury selection if a mistrial is declared;
(O) The security and dignity of the court;
(P) Undue administrative or financial burden to the court or participants;
(Q) The interference with neighboring courtrooms;
(R) The maintenance of the orderly conduct of the proceeding; and
(S) Any other factor the judge deems relevant.
(4) Order permitting media coverage
The judge ruling on the request to permit media coverage is not required to make findings or a statement of decision. The order may incorporate any local rule or order of the presiding or supervising judge regulating media activity outside of the courtroom. The judge may condition the order permitting media coverage on the media agency's agreement to pay any increased court-incurred costs resulting from the permitted media coverage (for example, for additional court security or utility service). Each media agency is responsible for ensuring that all its media personnel who cover the court proceeding know and follow the provisions of the court order and this rule.
(5) Modified order
The order permitting media coverage may be modified or terminated on the judge's own motion or on application to the judge without the necessity of a prior hearing or written findings. Notice of the application and any modification or termination ordered under the application must be given to the parties and each media agency permitted by the previous order to cover the proceeding.
(6) Prohibited coverage
The judge may not permit media coverage of the following:
(A) Proceedings held in chambers;
(B) Proceedings closed to the public;
(C) Jury selection;
(D) Jurors or spectators; or
(E) Conferences between an attorney and a client, witness, or aide; between attorneys; or between counsel and the judge at the bench.
(7) Equipment and personnel
The judge may require media agencies to demonstrate that proposed personnel and equipment comply with this rule. The judge may specify the placement of media personnel and equipment to permit reasonable media coverage without disruption of the proceedings.
(8) Normal requirements for media coverage of proceedings
Unless the judge in his or her discretion orders otherwise, the following requirements apply to media coverage of court proceedings:
(A) One television camera and one still photographer will be permitted.
(B) The equipment used may not produce distracting sound or light. Signal lights or devices to show when equipment is operating may not be visible.
(C) An order permitting or requiring modification of existing sound or lighting systems is deemed to require that the modifications be installed, maintained, and removed without public expense or disruption of proceedings.
(D) Microphones and wiring must be unobtrusively located in places approved by the judge and must be operated by one person.
(E) Operators may not move equipment or enter or leave the courtroom while the court is in session, or otherwise cause a distraction.
(F) Equipment or clothing must not bear the insignia or marking of a media agency.
(9) Media pooling
If two or more media agencies of the same type request media coverage of a proceeding, they must file a joint statement of agreed arrangements. If they are unable to agree, the judge may deny media coverage by that type of media agency.
Media Request must be mailed to:
Superior Court of California
County of Del Norte
Attn: Lesley Plunkett-Field
450 H St., Rm 209
Crescent City, California 95531
Please contact the Court at with questions or concerns.